Monday, December 30, 2013

On the third day of Christmas...

Wait a sec.  I'm a bit behind on my celebrations.  

I'm grateful for:
1. Driving my own car to Outreach Clinic today.  There's something to be said about alone time in the car that just clears the mind
2. Washing my car after work
3. Kristi's wonderful gift that came in the mail!  A wonderful book and a lovely cashmere scarf (I believe that's the first cashmere scarf I've ever owned)

Exercise: I MISSED IT!  Went to bed too late, slept straight through the alarm, and now I have to start with Day 1 over again.  I'm half tempted to sleep in my gym clothes.  Actually, that's a brilliant idea.  Excuse me while I change.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

A turtle's start

"A woman is like a tea bag- you never know how strong she is until she gets in hot water." -Eleanor Roosevelt

It's kind of shocking to me to see how I can be soooo motivated one day, and then the next it's like pulling teeth to complete the basic tasks of the day.  Fighting the good fight with this natural man of mine.

I'm grateful for:
a. tidying up my study and bedroom
b. taking down the decorations and putting them neatly away
c. reading through my old journals for inspiration

Exercise: walking along the canyon this evening

Random Act of Kindness: wrote thank you notes just because

I'm alive, ALIVE!

You live longer once you realize that any time spent being unhappy is wasted. -Ruth E. Renkl

Well hello my friends :)  so I'm sure you've noticed I haven't updated my blog in about 2 weeks.  That was entirely on purpose and by choice.  I was curious if these past few months have actually made a difference in my attitude and outlook.  And I really wanted to see what would happen if I stopped.

My friend, I have discovered that it actually works.  It actually, honest and for truly works.  I learned that when I wasn't actively looking for the positive in my life, it was all too easy to slip right back into letting the negative influence my mood for the worse.  I tried out no exercise for about a week up until I couldn't take it and had to expend the energy or go stir crazy.  And when I didn't actively look to perform that random act of kindness, the center of my thoughts turned inward to settle right down on all my so called problems of life.

These points make a difference for the better.

And so with that, I will start this up again, committing again to complete my three points of gratitude, which I have already successfully done in the past.  My new commitment is to #3, that of exercise on a daily basis.  And the cherry on top, the one I can do if I choose to do it, is random act of kindness

Drum roll please....

#1.  I'm grateful for:
a.  Kelly, the stylist that as prompt in scheduling an appointment with me and did a great job on my hair
b.  Aaron and Denise at the Salt Lake REI that helped me find a great pair of boots and gave me many o' tips on ski wear
c. My experience in the temple tonight,

#3. Exercise:  Walking (this will be better and more specific as the days go on)

#5.  Random Act of Kindness:  I helped the sister sitting next to me with putting on her shoes as she is 32 weeks pregnant and can't bend that way

Saturday, December 14, 2013


1. I'm grateful for:
a. Rachel joining me for the ward Christmas party tonight
b. getting asked to dance for each and every slow song
c. having a decent paced load at work today!

5. Random Act of Kindness: helping someone pick up trash when her table full of stuff fell

Friday, December 13, 2013

day 2b

1. I'm grateful for:
a. Jess joining me downstairs just to chat today
b. Charity inviting me over for chicken curry dinner
c. a hilarious talk with Rachel over the phone.  So entertaining :)

5. Random Act of Kindness: Saw a patient and finished a note which I didn't have to do

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 1b

1.  I'm grateful for:
a. Leem, the EP fellow who has such a positive spirit
b. Stacey, for her patience
c.  For getting Dr. A to genuinely laugh once during a patient encounter.  I have now found my future challenge... to get him to genuinely smile each day

2.  In the bathroom this morning I ran into a colleague, a resident whom I met last Friday.  The initial exchange lacked that human touch, so it left me wanting to connect a bit better.  So this morning I asked her name again, and we chatted for a few minutes about this and that and then we settled on the topic of her name.  She's from India, and her name in her native language means rose.  Not a family name, but a beautiful one nonetheless.  For some reason this interaction had so much more connection than the first, even though it was but a few moments.  I'm realizing that when I take the time to add that personal touch, it makes all the difference.  And that, my friend, was my meaningful moment of the day.

3.  Exercise: sadly, work went a hour over, and so my little gym was closed.  I really need to work out in the mornings, but that means 5 am wake up time :(

4. Meditation: prayer over meals as well as nighttime prayer today

5. Random Act of Kindness: I fed coworkers, but!  I've used that in the past, so I'm gonna go with holding the ridiculously heavy door open for a fellow hall walker.  I know it's small, but it's a start!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


1. I'm grateful for:
a. blow dryers
b.  the strength of an individual to stand up for what's right
c.  having my Tuesdays and Thursdays charting days

2.  So the hot water went out in my house, and boy is it cold!  I texted the landlord, but didn't hear back from him.  And I just got done with my workout, so I was in dire need of a shower.  So I realized I could either mope about and think wooo is me, or I could get to work.  Guess what I chose? :)  Two boiling pots later, I had enough to dilute the cold water to a luke warm bath.  I vigorously scrubbed, as that kept me warmer, and then blow dried the hair, which brought me up to regular temp.  ANd now I'm plotting for tomorrow... they have a shower at work, so I've got my plans set.

3. Exercise: Jillian Michael's Shred video

4. Meditation: prayer

5. Random Act of Kindness: gave food to a coworker, he looked hungry

So tomorrow is the start of my new 21 day challenge!! and I choose #5 to work on every day, more creative, more meaningful :)  Random Acts of kindness, here I come!

Monday, December 09, 2013


I'm grateful for:
a. All of the conversations that came from updating an address book
b. the first day of outreach clinic going so well
c. Jason, a friend of mine, teaching me a trick to communicate effectively with men

2. memorable moment: realizing that my attending is a respectful man, and that I can see has opened up my ability to express myself and learn.

3. Exercise: just a few flights of stairs, this will be my next goal for the next 21 days

4. Meditation: miss

5. Random Act of Kindness: tried to feed my attending to no avail

Sunday, December 08, 2013


I'm grateful for:
a. Jason, Shaline, Rachel, and Steven joining me for a wonderful evening at the Christmas devotional and for hot chocolate and cookies after :)
b. spending time with my brother and our extended family for Emma's blessing
c.  getting my meals cooked for the week

2.  Memorable moment today was when Tristan played chase with me and only me.  Muahaha!  I'm the Aunt that has won him over with silly faces and running around like a fool

3.  Exercise:  miss!

4. Meditation: prayer

5. Random Act of Kindness: I moved over whilst driving on the highway so that the person in a rush could get on by, rather than slowing to 5 under and giving them the stink eye.

Saturday, December 07, 2013


"There is no passion to be found in playing small -- in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living"  -Nelson Mandela

1. I'm grateful for:
a. Sleeping in until 722 am this morning.  How the body knows to reprogram itself!
b. for Russ, the employee of Auto Zone, who helped me walk through the steps of changing wiper blades
c. for making butternut squash and storing a week's worth in the freezer for future lunches.  One more step to healthy :)

2.  Today's memorable moment was when Greg (twin brother), Lisa, Tristan, and Emma were sealed together in the LDS temple.  We believe that families have the potential of becoming eternal.  I don't know much about the afterlife, but I do know that family ties extend beyond the grave.  Greg hardly ever shows emotion, and while he was kneeling across the alter from Lisa and Emma, he was staring into this little girl's eyes and realizing that she was becoming his little girl.  Forever.  I could see my brother growing in that moment.  Oh, how my heart loved him and her and his little family just a bit deeper today.

3. Exercise: tidying home, and wrapping Christmas gifts (can that count?)

4. Meditation:  in the temple

5. Random Act of Kindness:  I put poinsettias on the doorstep of all of my neighbors.  oh!  and I gave Russ a box of chocolates for helping me out


I'm grateful for:
1.  learning a bit more about rugby
2.  My fellow PAs and NPs that totally rocked the house in working through the patients today
3.  A dear friend's mom being discharged from the hospital

2.  A fellow gave up his seat today during grand rounds so that I could sit and eat lunch.  very kind

3. Exercise: run

4.  Meditation: prayer

5  Random act of Kindness: took the toughest chart in the stack today

Thursday, December 05, 2013


1. I'm grateful for:
a.  having time to finish my notes
b.  Jess taking the time to give feedback on them
c.  free dinner with drug reps tonight

2.  Got asked out for the third time this week.  Here's to being the new girl on the block.

3.  Exercise: stairs again!

4. Meditation: miss

5.  Random Act of Kindness:  It seems I always have friends that need some TLC via the phone.  A good chat with a good friend

Wednesday, December 04, 2013


“I like to call in sick to work at places where I’ve never held a job. Then when the manager tells me I don’t work there, I tell them I’d like to. But not today, as I’m sick.” 
― Jarod KintzThis Book is Not for Sale

1.  I'm grateful for:
a.  My attending, Dr. A, being a willing teacher.  He knows his stuff, really really knows it.  And doesn't rush me.
b.  finding a water fountain at work that actually tastes good, and not like metal pipes
c.  driving in the snow without crashing

2.  Memorable moment of today.  Talking with a new a wise friend about the power of forgiveness.

3.  Exercise: stairs

4.  Meditation: on the bus ride home I tried to focus on the breath.  It's hard when you're being sloshed about!

5.  Random Act of Kindness:  Introducing members of the ward to each other

Tuesday, December 03, 2013


“Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power.” 
― Abraham Lincoln

1.  I'm grateful for:
a.  not falling in the snow as I walked to the bus stop
b.  Feeling like I could create a decent note on the third week of work
c.  the cardiac rehab gym.  Seriously grateful I have a place to work out on cold days such as this

2.  Polly, one of the nurses that works on the pacemaker team, was totally kind and wanted to get to know me a bit more.  She's a biker as well, and offered to let me ride her husband's mountain bike during the winter months with her.  New biking partner AND finding a good fitting bike, can a girl ask for more!

3.  Exercise: 3 mile jog

4.  Meditation: prayer

5.  Random Act of Kindness: I could tell one of my colleagues was having a rough day, and sometimes you just need a pat on the back

Monday, December 02, 2013

13 a

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

1.  I'm grateful for:
a.  Brandy giving me The Fault in Our Stars, for it is a beautiful read, the kind that can make you literally laugh out loud on one page, and then let the tears go on the next.
b.  Angel's happy text this morning which I got on the bus
c.  feeling at ease with a patient today that I could laugh with them for a solid half of the interview

2.  I was with Will in clinic today, and we each saw about 3 patients a piece, not bad I say.  And I created a few notes with ease.  Will's a cool guy, super intelligent, willing teacher, and easy to chat with.

3.  Exercise: 2 miles jog, then stationary bike

4.  Meditation:  prayer, and Alma 1-2

5. Random Act of Kindness:  Giving someone the benefit of the doubt.  And a little love note to a friend

Sunday, December 01, 2013


"Like anybody, I would like to live a long life. Longevity has its place. But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!"

Martin Luther King, I've Been To The Mountaintop speech, his last speech on the eve of his assassination

1.  I'm grateful for:
a.  Marcie inviting me and the gals over for dinner, and for her support with my upcoming racing goals
b.  This four day weekend.  I enjoyed every minute of it.
c.  A good conversation with George about dating and life and the such

2.  I had a mini battle with myself this morning as to whether I wanted to go on a hike or to the first part of church. After getting all dressed in my hiking gear, I sat a moment and thought through my decision.  A conference talk from this past general conference came to mind, one where the mother asked the father and sons if they wanted to go on a drive instead of to church.  And that one decision made all the difference, for they never went back again.

I'm learning to recognize God's will, and then obeying swiftly.  So I knew my answer, and changed into my Sunday best and was grateful for making the right call.

3. Exercise: pass

4.  Meditation: prayer

5. Random Act of Kindness:  Invited Raeann over for dinner with the gals, she's a good gal.


“This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something.” 
― Elizabeth GilbertEat, Pray, Love

1.  I'm grateful for :
a.  Somer being my date tonight to the Utah Symphony
b.  Getting the laundry processed
c.  The wonderful sample lady at Wal-Mart who had closed her booth but was handing out coupons for chocolate, and took the extra step to offer me a piece without me asking, even though the shop was already packed up.

2. Tonight was the night that Jakob and I were to go to the Utah Symphony together for the Messiah Sing In.  He actually bought me the tickets for my birthday awhile back, and he hit the bulls-eye with the choice, for my father and I made it a tradition to go each year ever since I was a little girl.   I'm entirely grateful for Somer joining me on this little adventure.   It was a bit emotional, and I seriously struggled whether I should go or give the tickets to her to find a fella to bring.  I'm entirely grateful that I went.  We had a lovely date which included dinner at an Italian bistro, then headed over for the concert.  As it was about to start, my thoughts began to close me in a downward spiral thinking that the man who was so thoughtful to listen and give me this gift, the man who loved me deeply, and I cared for him... I chose not to continue on that path because I could see it wasn't the right fit at this time.  And as the doubts started to come in, Somer turned to me and with that genuine beaming smile, the one that fills your heart with a deep love and hope in what's to come... she knew just what to say to comfort me in those few moments.  I am so grateful for her.

And as an added bonus, members of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir were scattered throughout the entire audience, decked out in their blue dresses and white tuxedos.  It's always been on the bucket list to sing with the MoTab, and that dream became a reality tonight.  I've never heard a better rendition of Handel's Messiah from the audience than I did this evening.  It was simply glorious.  And you could tell the conductor was lovin' every minute of it.

3.  Exercise: Can errands count?

4. Meditation: good prayer with Father, asking to comfort those that stand in need of comfort tonight.  Especially Jake. and Somer.

5.  Random Act of Kindness:  It was for me tonight.  I allowed myself to go, and to be happy that it happened.