Saturday, March 24, 2007

back in the saddle again

I'm home! After three days of driving, with a hike through Arches and a walk through a petroglyph park in Albuquerque, I and my Aunt made it home to Texas. So far we have been showing her around different sites (and quite a few quilt shops), with my favorite site being the Sixth Floor Museum. The museum was of JFK's presidency, death, and legacy. I didn't know that the inspiration for the Civil Rights Act came from his administration, nor did I know that the governor was shot with him. The museum was certainly solemn and humbling. There was a section where they had the layout of the trauma unit of Parkland, and having worked in one, I could picture the chaos and desperation of the health care workers. Even with a bullet to the brain, the charge nurse readied the OR room and neurology team. Over a dozen doctors were in the room likely racking their brain with every last radical effort to save the president's life. If you haven't been I highly recommend it.

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