Thursday, February 21, 2008

you may be crazy

This semester I've been taking a class called Biopsychosocial Issues in Patient Care (BIPC) a.k.a. let's see how far you're off your rocker. Notice I didn't say "if" but "how far" because it's a stone cold fact that everyone's a little lunatic. It's just some people don't mind showing it. in the middle of the street. naked.

The DSM-IV, otherwise known as the holy bible of psychology, lists criteria for all the diagnosable disorders out there. To help you embrace your inner nut, here's a few points to ponder on the way to the grocery/book/gun store.

Are you prone to persistently bear grudges?

Do you choose solitary activities?

Are you impulsive or fail to plan ahead?

Are you suggestible (aka easily influenced by others or circumstances)?

Are you envious of others or believe that others are envious of you?

Are you concerned with being criticized or rejected in social situations?

Do you passively resist fulfilling routine social and occupational tasks?

Does your self-concept center around beliefs of inadequacy, worthlessness, and low self-esteem?

Are you preoccupied with details, rules, lists etc...

I should note that all of the questions come from one section, the personality disorders section (I haven't even mentioned mood disorders, schizophrenia, eating disorders, somatoform and pain disorders, dissociative disorders, sleep disorders, learning disorders, attention-deficit disorders, sex disorders, tic disorders, adjustment disorders, anxiety disorders etc... plus all the disorders that don't have the word "disorder" in the title).

So I'm sitting in class as they go through the list of all these and I'm thinking to my self, yep, have that, and that too, and that. By the time class is done I'm debating whether to check myself into some sort of facility.

I've come to the conclusion that, yes, sometimes you'll answer yes to these questions. Honestly, I hope you do. I feel it makes you far more relate-able than those who've never been through things like loss, embarrassment, pain, desire (god forbid!), envy, true moments of happiness... I'm not trying to sum up life in four lines, just letting you know what's been on my mind.

ps: If you like to suffer through a barrage of questioning along these lines simply click the title of this post. Warning: there's a disorder for that too.

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