Monday, February 24, 2014


I'm grateful for:
1. making it through to the end of the day.  I woke up this morning with the classic symptoms of a viral infection (headache, body aches, productive cough, malaise) and I seriously debated about calling in sick.  But I didn't want to leave Dr. A alone to fend for himself with a full load of patients.  So I decided to buck it up and get the work done.
2. having a rewarding job.  I am starting to love this bit of work, and I'm realizing there is such opportunity for growth.  I can explore research if I wish, or improve current practice, etc.  The world awaits!
3. a lovely chat on the way home with Angel.  Great gal with great advice.

Exercise: I am seriously beat, but there's always enough energy to dance in the kitchen :)

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