Sunday, January 12, 2014


So today I realized that I've been here in Utah for about 4 months now.  Well, that went fast.

Moving here, I didn't think it would be a trial of my faith.  But if I'm honest, it has.  Notably.  There are few things in this life that I know; one thing I know for sure is that I'm supposed to be here.  What I'm having a difficult time understanding is why.  Cursed why.

I'm grateful for:
a.  the strength that an individual can show during a time of great adversity (I was listening to a podcast of a couple that survived a plane crash that left considerable physical damage to their bodies.  This news is old news, I've seen it before, as I'm sure you have.  But for some reason, today it struck a cord.)
b.  the honesty and authenticity that they share in overcoming that struggle
c.  the option to choose to be "better or bitter"

Exercise: A walk 

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