Tuesday, December 11, 2007
a lullaby
It's finals week for me, and as a pick me up I've been listening to old school musicals. I'm sure you all have so many stresses with work/school/family/life that I thought you might like to listen to a little tune to relax. Hushabye Mountain is one of my favorites, and though I'm not a kid anymore (or so my parole officer says), I still think you're never too old to appreciate a lullaby.
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
a break
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
You probably can't see but Topher is the one in blue behind the girl in the black shirt, and he was our entertainment for the night. Good guitar player with a voice to match. Forgive the blurriness.
Jason and Marcie.
Brian, Jen, and Malina.
The gang. Yeah, my eyes look crazy and I'm partly out of the pic because 1) I was checking my camera to see when it was going to snap, 2) no make-up, and 3) I had to run through this obstacle course (stairs included) to get from behind the camera to in front of the camera. scary, I know.
It was a much needed trip full of swimming/water sports, night walks down to the beach, movies, nintendo, bike rides, laying on hammocks, reading, a bonfire, ghost stories, going into town and hitting a few at the batting cages, rocking the house at air hockey, and wasting the days with friends. Oh! I taught them Texas hold'em! It was a fantastic trip.
Friday, September 14, 2007
on notice
"Thank you for your recent order. When you placed your order, we did have a limited supply of the item listed below. However when it was time to ship, our stock had been depleted and unfortunately, the item is no longer available. Please accept our sincere apologies."
So of course I called Customer Service since I was trying to find any excuse to put off studying for my quiz today. I explained to the lady how my rug was out of stock, and asked if she could price match for a smaller size. Now I must pause here for a minute because I think it takes a lot of guts (and little dignity) to actually ask this of them. Nonetheless, I felt it was my duty, NAY, my calling to stick it to the man.
She asks for my order number. A long pause ensues.
"A dollar?", she shockingly voices on the phone. "A DOLLAR?!?" she repeats, but with a cackling laughter I've never heard before in my life.
Me: "Yeah... like I said, it was ridiculously cheap."
"Well, I can go ask my boss, but I don't think it's gonna happen," she concludes. As she is putting me on hold I hear her repeat the amount and then I hear what seemed like the entire room start to laugh.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Obviously, someone made a typo while putting in the price and if I'm honest, I don't completely love the rug and I have no need for it. But I really could not pass up the opportunity to 1) test out their customer service policy, and 2) to own anything from that store. Now I am wondering if RH will actually honor their posted price and send me my rug, or will they send me some "We regret to inform you that the rug in question does not exist..." But if they actually come through with this, you might be the lucky recipient of something long and flat and oh-so-stylish for Christmas (don't think that just because you live across the pond that you are exempt).
Thursday, September 06, 2007
30 Rock
Two of my favorite characters (aside from Tina Fey) include Jack Donaghy, the tactless boss (Alec Baldwin) and Kenneth, the home-grown-country NBC page (Jack McBrayer). The best line of the entire show comes from "The Head and The Hair" episode:
Jack Donaghy: "You and I actually have a lot in common. We're both hard workers. When I was your age I was putting myself through college in Boston... paddling swan boats for the tourists."
Kenneth: "Is that a euphemism for some kind of sex worker?"
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
I did NOT sign up for this
Today was my first lab for the class, in which three other peers and I gathered around a make-shift exam room with two professors (one in training). As luck would have it, the three peers are all gals whose sum weight equals that of a paper clip and the professor is, well, just see for yourself. He asked today "does anyone have a problem with this" referring to the fact that our classroom attire will consist of patient gowns comparable to mosquito netting. I'm the only one to raise my hand, and I shockingly stare at the girls and ask, "You seriously don't?" All three shake their heads no.
I wouldn't really have a problem aside from the fact that I have to be in a gown next week with the only thing separating me from the world is a flimsy pair of undies with my peers poking and prodding ME!!! That's just not gonna cut it. or cover it.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Frivolity '07
Paper or Plastic?
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Royal Ballet
Monday, July 09, 2007
Ugly American
As I am waiting, a group of four men come in and sit at the stools along the counter. They were each dressed in slacks and a button-up and looked like professional computer geeks. Well, all but one. He screamed faux-yuppie, with shallow pockets and a shallow personality. On his tombstone it will read Plain Rotten. Loud, aggressive, interruptive, defensive, and RUDE are a few words that come to mind. Prime example: The nice lady is serving them their meals and without hesitation he says, "Where's my drink? I thought my meal came with a drink." She informed him that the drinks were self-serve, and pointed out that they were located at the end of the counter. He responds "Well, go down there and get it," to which she explains again that at this establishment you get your own drink. By this time he has moaned for so long that one of his co-workers got up, got his drink (his own drink, not the ugly guy's drink), sat back down, and was half way through with his onion rings.
You could feel the tension in the air and it escalated to the point where it was physically uncomfortable. The lady has a noticeable accent, and the jerk yells out in a mocking way "NO TIP! NO TIP FOR YOU!" He said it so ugly, and with such a belittling tone that I completely lost my appetite. She quickly says "this is a no tip place" and I was really hoping that she'd add "so get the hell out."
end of story: When I left he was still sitting there without his drink.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
First Friday
Next we wandered around the streets and visited a few more exhibits. We came upon an entrance where a ton of people were gathered, so we squeezed our way in. Come to find out, it was a place called the Old City Jewish Arts Center, and they were about to start dinner. Chris and Alex (the two guys were wandering around with us) didn't want to attend, but Jen and I decided to stay. As we took our seats, I saw this line next to me waiting to wash their hands at a make-shift sink. Interesting, I thought. Investing a little bit more brain power, I realized that Friday night is the Jewish Sabbath and we were right in the middle of their worship service. Gratefully, a lot of people looked like they were in the same boat, so we just stayed where we were (and I'm about 99% positive I took a guy's seat that was standing in the washing line). Luckily, we sat next to a chatty Kathy (or, in this case, a chatty Dan), who attempted to explained everything that was going on. The best way to describe Dan is superficially insightful. He had a laissez faire way about him, with a touch of ambiguous wisdom. He gave explanations such as "everyone around you, for we are all teachers" when asked how many rabbis were in the room. The nice thing, though, was that he politely answered all of my questions, and I got to experience bread pudding made with cinnamon, sugar, broccoli bits, and stacked noodles. I couldn't stop thinking of Friends.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
it's hard to say goodbye
How hard can it be? Right? Well, for me, it is something I entirely dread. When I feel the conversation wrapping up, these feelings of anxiousness start to arise deep within my bowels because I just know the moment is coming. And that moment would be when I totally make a fool out of myself trynig to pretend like I know what I'm doing with my "k, talk to you later... I hope your cat starts to feel better... and the weather turns out in your favor... and you have exact change whenever you need it...and" etc. Sad, I know.
So I've been more comfortable with just the "k bye"and I quickly hang up. But I've been told that that is incredibly cruel. Thus, I'm stuck in between a rock and a hard place.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Saturday, June 23, 2007
ps: I need some new music, and I'm hoping that you guys will give me some good recommendations (I need something I can study to, like Cat Stevens or Bread).
Saturday, June 16, 2007
The Classics
New Year's Eve in New York City
Boston Pops for the Fourth of July
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade sitting along Central Park West
Mardi Gras in New Orleans (before I turn 30)
Stand on the steps of Lincoln Memorial on MLK Day
Groundhog's Day in Punxsutawney, PA (whilst sporting a top hat and possibly a moustache)
Attend a presidential debate (preferably Democrat)
Be a participant in a Live 8 concert (I'm getting good at that tambourine)
Ring the bell at the NYSE (Dad, I'll catch up to you someday)
If I'm Inebriated (not happened yet, suckas!):
Run with the Bulls in Pamplona
Try out for a Musical on Broadway
Drive for NASCAR
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Terror, Part I and II
The very first time I visited Philadelphia I stayed in a Hampton Inn on the corner of Race street and 12th street. After my interview, my dad and I decide to go out for a celebration dinner near China town (at Arch and 10th, which is a few blocks south of Race). It was a good meal, but it ran later than expected; so it was around 10pm when we started heading back. While enjoying our walk up 10th we turn on Race to find over a dozen men standing, lying, sitting, peeing, etc along 11th. It was a serious surprise to see all of these men, some with sleeping bags, others with just a pile of dirty, dilapidated clothes stuck to their obviously soiled bodies (the smell of the corner rivaled that of porta-potties). And they were a loud and aggressive bunch. Of course anyone can cat call (which they did), but when they start crossing the street to your side, red flags raise. So as quickly and confidently as I could in heels, I high tailed it to the entrance of the hotel. Father, of course, used this as a prime example of why I should never, ever be out in the city at night, and even said that four hours before dusk was warrant enough to be indoors (that would make the time four in the afternoon).
Really, four in the afternoon is a perfectly fine time to pass by this corner solo. However, a few miles north of Race when you start getting north of Temple University, four o' clock would not be the right time for a walk, a bus ride, or even, let's say, a Sunday afternoon drive in a Lincoln Town Car (as my mother and I did the following week). That corner looked like Mary Poppins compared with its northern crack baby sister who'd kill anyone as a way of passing the time. Trash was everywhere. Literally, EVERYWHERE. I have never seen a place look so filthy in the states (the smell not like that of the porta-pottie corner, but more like that of the sole toilets at an IBS symposium). Disgusting, right? Absolutely. It was like touring a third world country in a food truck that screamed take me. And it wasn't the only one screaming. As much as I love my mother, I can't stand her nerves. (She usually freaks out over small things, like "Jackie, that man looked at me funny." Well, mom, it's because he has a glass eye.) So when we realize our situation, she starts to yell in the car "My god, Jackie, we are going to die..." along with a slew of swear words. side note: she's driving. Each stop light exacerbates the situation with beyond shady people walking slowly in front of and behind the car, which causes my mother to be on the verge of tears. I finally snap. "Mother, clam down and look as confident as you can. Keep your hands on the wheel, and calm it down!"
Now I'm fairly sure that the situation felt a bit more precarious simply because of the crazy lady next to me screaming death was inevitable. Would I have felt safer without the sideline rants? That's one question I'm okay with unanswered.
Monday, June 11, 2007
places that scare me
Anything north of Temple (the place you go if you want to be killed)
Chuck E. Cheese
USAMRIID (who knows what they've got cookin' up in there)
Monday, June 04, 2007
suck it up
Speaking of suction, I bought a vacuum! It's a Dyson DC14 Full Kit Upright and it was the Woot item for the day (sale!). When I moved up here my parents gave me a shop vac. I had no idea what that was, but when they told me it could suck up nuts and bolts and water, I thought the vacuum people made it just for me. I tested it out a few weeks ago to find out that it had enough power to suck up pets and small cars. Literally, it was pulling the carpet up (and it almost took my rug). So I went and got one of those push ones that have no electrical power. total crap. So, kids, the moral of this story is to shell out the money for a normal one in the beginning or else you'll never see Fifi or your Mini Cooper again.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
time is not on my side
Saturday, May 26, 2007
four diet cokes and all the critters in the sea
We had fried oysters (delicious), calamari, and monkfish. I'd never expect that the bar would have such good food (especially seafood), but apparently some shellfish bring out the flavors of quality beer. Who knew?
Monday, May 21, 2007
some things in life are free
Next story:
I dropped her off at the airport today and caught the train back to the city center. As I was walking out of the station a tall guy from behind me said in a booming voice "Excuse me miss..." Thinking I dropped something I turn to hear him continue "I was wondering if you wanted to go with me to a free dinner this week." Looking dumbfounded I said "who, me?" to which he replied "Yeah, it's free." I politely declined but had to give him props for being so bold as to ask out a total stranger. Yet, I really wanted to help him with his tactics. So I've thought of a few pointers:
Try to avoid emphasizing that the meal during the date will be free. Unless it's from a dumpster. Then explicitly point that out, because, boy, will you be in for a surprise when she strands your butt on the street.
Don't approach people from behind and start asking out their backpack.
Strike up a conversation while on the train when you've got a captive audience. literally.
Lastly, try not to stand so close as to scare your potential date. Introducing yourself is usually not the time to make your move.
Friday, May 18, 2007
so so sorry
I beg for your forgiveness for not bloging for a month. No excuse can make up for my lack, but I now have access to the internet at home and at school so now you'll have more of me to love.
I've started my program and so far it's do-able. I want to know how everyone is doing. Annalise, how is SLC and the apartment? Kristin, how is the job and what have you been up to? Jenny, when do you move out here to the East coast? have you found a place to live? and Kristi, have you been relaxing after a exhaustive break?
Well, I'm off this weekend with mom to go to Lancaster County. I'm going to see a concert with Pickett and the Union Gap and The Association
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
home sweet home
The three musicals were Spamalot, the Lion King, and Wicked. Kristi surprised me with the third musical, which was the best. We had planned to go see Wicked before I arrived but once there Kristi told me it was completely sold out. Little did I know, Kristi had bought the tickets and was trying to keep it a secret. So as we were walking around London, I'd say "Ooh, let's go into this ticket shop, they might have Wicked seats," which I'm sure made her have a tiny stroke each time. On the last night there we were standing at a metro station having come from Evensong, and Kristi turns to me with this grin and says "I have a surprise... it's rrreeallly good." I knew it! That massive of smile means one thing. WICKED! And it was incredible, with Elphaba having this voice that filled the entire theater. Hands down I'm going to see it in New York. And i might even see Spamalot again.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
London Calling
Saturday, March 24, 2007
back in the saddle again
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
my roommate has cojones
Brandi's response was "i'd call you a whore and throw you off the balcony"
Monday, March 05, 2007
what occupies my thoughts
Thursday, March 01, 2007
thank the heavens for hot men
so for four hours we chatted on and off. and i must say it was good to get back in the game of flirting. It has been a bit of time since I put forth the effort so honestly I was a bit rusty. at times it was obvious that I was clueless to the signals that are so often used outside of Utah to communicate interest. I'd like to blame that on my religion. just think of it. my church isn't for members going to local bars or clubs to pick up on men, so for us folk we participate in inane and at times ridiculous activities to flirt with the opposite sex. examples include backwards bowling, partner scripture chases (which I miserably fail at), and something involving dog obstacle courses. I'm not completely trying to negate all of the social activities that LDS people come up with. Some days I do feel like a good board game or a three-legged race. But mostly, I just want an actual date in which the man has invested his time.
I think the best date I've ever been on was with Mark. He worked at the Museum of Art and he knew I direly wanted to see the new Egyptian exhibit, but because of my classes, it was virtually impossible to go. So one night he cooks me dinner (and having served in Italy, he was good at cooking pasta dishes) and it looks lovely and tastes delicious. He then says he has a surprise and escorts me to his car and opens the door (typical of men to do here in happy valley, but nonetheless something I notice and appreciate) and a few minutes later we pull up to the MOA. Taking me in the back way, we are paged into the security unit by a fellow apparently in on the surprise and Mark hands me a flashlight. We walk past the unit, through a set of doors and through a dark hallway. All of a sudden we step into the Egyptian exhibit. Nicely done, Mark, I think to myself. It is almost completely dark but for a few low lights. We turn on our flashlights and he proceeds to take me through the entire exhibit telling me interesting little snippets for some of the pieces. Couldn't have been more perfect.
Monday, February 19, 2007
things to do before the move
I have at least five books to finish which include:
The Girl of the Limerlost
The Fountainhead
The Kite Runner
The Great Learning
Secret Life of Bees
I've got one quilt i need to cut out, piece together, add borders, and bind (need to also find backing for said quilt)
I've got to finish crocheting my afghan
Hold a garage sale (these socks could be yours for the low, low price of 10 cents)
Fly to Philly this weekend to find apartment
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Chinese New Year
I have been debating whether it is better to live by the Gregorian calendar or the Chinese lunisolar calendar. true the whole world goes by one, but I want to try something new this week. and since I've not been the best at my New Year's resolutions, I've got a chance for a new start tomorrow.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Sunday, February 11, 2007
poker champion of the world (of jackie)
During the game I was trying to work on my poker face. Since i usually give my good hands away by blushing, looking down, or smiling I asked Brandi before a round to study my face and see if I could have a real poker face. She dealt them and I looked at the cards to find a queen of clubs and and eight of the same suit. I casually looked up and stared at her without change in expression.
Brandi: "You've got a queen and an eight."
shock came over my face and the first thought I had was that she had supernatural powers. i mean serious "special stuff" kind of powers. then and there I vowed never to think of my bank account numbers or my weight when in her presence.
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
i got skills
picture stars and stripes. very patriotic.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Happy Groundhog's Day

All know of the tradition when Punxsutawney Phil, our most beloved rodent, pops out for a visit and tells us if winter will linger. Some folks say that real reason why this day exists is for people to skip work and get hammered, but they have no idea of the skills that our furry friend has. Did you know that Phil is actually a poet? Indeed he is, for our inebriated interpretors tell us so. And this year Phil's prediction was pushing a pro-budding agenda. He fully said:
"El Nino has caused high winds, heavy snow, ice and freezing temperatures in the west.
Here in the East with much mild winter weather we have been blessed.
Global warming has caused a great debate.
This mild winter makes it seem just great.
On this Groundhog Day we think of one thing.
Will we have winter or will we have spring?
On Gobbler's Knob I see no shadow today.
I predict that early spring is on the way."
I wonder how accurate he is.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Stephen Colbert vs Bill O'Reilly
Favorite Quote:
Colbert on Bill's show: "What are you on? What gives you the strength? Jesus Christ or Pat Robertson's protein shake?"
I love that man. I'd like to publicly thank Kristi for introducing me to the genius of Colbert.
Friday, January 26, 2007
filling the time
For the next two months I'm going to call my instructor "sifu" and learn how big of a pansy I am. I'm just grateful I'm in it with a couple of good friends.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
money money money
I've found some cute places online in the city of brotherly love. My favorites include the Metropolitan, the Packard, One Franklin Town, and Museum Towers. Sounds fancy. And I'm starting to feel like I'm living the game of Monopoly.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
what was i thinking
That got me thinking about the type of guys I dated in college and realized that it was eclectic group of men including this guy. Such highlights included a divorced future dentist that had an inclination to lie, a five-foot seven-inches hottie that had a one track mind, a wanna-be comedian that drove me nuts, and a handful of computer geeks and science nerds.
It's coming up on two years since graduation and I've realized one thing. Thank heaven I'm not stuck with any of them.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
technical advice
(if this peaks your interest, ten dollars is on the table for who ever can download iTunes onto my computer and have it actually open).
Thursday, January 11, 2007
I'm back!
k folks, let's talk resolutions. there are some people out there that don't believe in them; they'd rather live a good life from day to day and stick to their high morals everyday of the year. I'm not one of them. I need some sort of a starting line with a heafty prize at the end in order for me to get a moving. So my roommate and I have decided to have a wager. $150 buck to whom ever looses the most weight (we're 5 pounds different). And another with my dad with a prize quite a bit more than that to whom ever can loose 50 lbs. first. Bring it on pops!
Other goals:
Reduce swearing. I heard once that those who swear lack vocabulary. likely true. this leads me to...
Read a book every month (something not required for school). I've noticed these past few months that reading has reduced stress, which is always a plus. another thing that could help this is to...
Reduce sugar intake. If you truly know me, you know that i consume vast quantities of sugar. some folks have crack, I've got the 'cane. This past year I think I've kept alive three small villages in Brazil from the amount of candy I've purchased. So, this year is the year to cut back.
and that's about all I can take for now. I'll keep you posted.