Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day 1a

“The purpose of morality is to teach you, not to suffer and die, but to enjoy yourself and live.” 
― Ayn Rand

I dunno know, I like the concept of starting anew, of rebirth.  Thus, 1a (day 22).

I'm grateful for:
a. William, the other inpatient PA, teaching me a few ropes of cardiac ablation
b. The conversation with Janis, a woman of another faith, about deity and direction
c. A warm welcome from Dr. R.  During the interview, I was sure he disliked me because of his disengagement and scanty eye contact.  I've decided he must have been uber busy that day, and his preoccupation was because of work rather than anything I did.

2.  I walked out of the office at 501 pm and caught the bus at 503!  I may have been sprinting through the halls, but, boy, when I saw that "11" glowing from the placard of the bus, my heart jumped knowing that I wouldn't have to wait 30 minutes for the next one.

3. Exercise: Jillian Michaels Last Chance Workout

4.  Medication: Deepak Chopra Resilience Meditation, made it through 15 minutes of the 20 minute program before opening my eyes.  Must. get. better.

5.  Helped Alex finish his charts by updating meds and vital signs

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